Why FrontEdge?

  • We collectively offer decades of IT management and software development experience.

  • We free you to focus on other critical parts of your business.

  • We love using cutting edge technology to solve problems.

  • We deliver "enterprise" class solutions to all customers.

  • We always remember that people ultimately make or break an IT solutions.

  • We want to do our part to make the future great.


We collectively offer decades of IT management and software development experience.

Members of the FrontEdge Inc. team have worked for businesses of all sizes from small local start-ups to international multi-billion dollar enterprise businesses. Our cross-functional team of project managers, engineers, and support staff have been hired to perform a wide range of IT-related projects from the very complex to the very simple.

The team at FrontEdge Inc. has:

  • Extensive experience designing, developing, and maintaining high-availability software as a service (SaaS) applications.

  • Designed and built highly scalable and optimally performing hosted environments to support multi-tenant SaaS applications. 

  • Physically planned for and migrated hardware and complete hosted infrastructure between geographically located class A data centers within only a few hours of planned downtime. 

  • Facilitated the deployment of complex new software and associated business processes in cross-functional organizations.

  • Dramatically improved the performance and user experience for patrons of a mature SaaS platform.  

  • Created highly secure and user-friendly e-commerce solutions for small, mid-sized businesses, and enterprise businesses.

  • Generated beautiful websites, custom-branded to clearly and professionally represent our customers on the Web. 

  • Designed and implemented complex systems integration, including the integration of new software with mature, business-critical, back-office systems. 

We would love to take on your IT project(s) next.


We love using cutting edge technology to solve problems.

Technology changes and evolves at a breathtaking rate. What was innovative a year or two ago may not be the best solution available today. For this reason, continued professional learning is a major tenet of the FrontEdge Inc. culture.

All members of the team at FrontEdge Inc. pride themselves at keeping up with and understanding the latest in standard and industry-best technologies and tools. Keeping up with changes in IT enables us to recommend better solutions, improves our ability to spot threats and opportunities, and earns us the trust of our customers. 

The team’s top priority is to provide customers with cost-effective and competitive technology solutions to business problems as practically and efficiently as is possible. 

Freedom to Focus

We free you to focus on other critical parts of your organization.

Hardware and software are critical to the success of your business but they aren't even close to the only critical part of your business. Given all of the competing business management activities you have pulling you in different directions and the limited hours in the day, it isn't always easy to implement (or sometimes even to determine) the most optimal solution to your IT challenges.

  • Perhaps it is infeasible for you to assemble and manage a team of software engineers to tailor and maintain a custom software solution in-house for your business...

  • Perhaps your IT staff is either too busy to take on a new project or lacks the skill to take on a major project that you'll only ever need to do one time...

  • Perhaps you want to make a major strategic change in technology but don't have a lot of time, money, and/or experience to make it happen... 

  • Perhaps your current software or infrastructure are not performing optimally to support your or your customers' needs and you're not even sure what your options are to make it better...

Let the tech-savvy team at FrontEdge Inc. mull over and skillfully address your IT challenges using the latest cutting edge technologies while you continue to focus on managing and/or growing your business. FrontEdge Inc.  can provide a wide-range of resources to handle virtually any IT-oriented objective. 

Enterprise Class

We deliver "enterprise class" solutions to all customers.

No matter the size of our customer, we always strive to deliver "enterprise class" solutions.

Enterprise information systems typically process large volumes of data and/or transactions, and are capable of optimally supporting large organizations. They provide a centralized hub of information and process-management tools for multi-functional groupings of users. 

Providing "enterprise class" solutions means that we always address customer IT challenges with a systems-based approach as if all of our customers were massive multi-national organizations. We always consider the impact that the changes we recommend and/or execute will have across your business in the short and long-term. We deliver holistic recommendations that include both short-term tactical and long-term strategic activities to optimize and/or transform your IT infrastructure. 

It also means that we deliver a high quality of service. We don't dictate to you how to run your business using our technology. We determine your requirements and tailor solutions that address those requirements rather than forcing you into a turn-key operational paradigm.

The output of our engineering is your technology, custom-fitted and deployed to address your business challenges.


We always remember that people ultimately make or break IT solutions.

Members of the FrontEdge Team seriously love technology, but our affection for technology never gets in the way of our consideration for people. We know that the people who use our solutions are the true key to success.

  • We work with our customers to deploy our solutions so that people and technology work together to solve problems.

  • We encourage our customers to consider the impact of our suggestions on end-users.

  • We attempt to never gather customer requirements in a vacuum, including as many impacted parties as possible in the beginning of a project. 

  • We recognize the importance of change management and a carefully planned and executed solution deployment.

Always Learning

We want to do our part to make the future great.

At FrontEdge Inc. we're passionate about lifelong learning.

We know that the K-12 students of today will be competing in a global economy when they graduate. Succeeding in the global economy requires global competence and the ability to learn and adapt.

In our SchoolFront school management system (SMS) software offering we use technology to make the lives of K-12 educators easier so that they can focus on educating youth and kicking off the lifelong learning process.

When we're hired as consultants or are sourced for software development, a natural aspect of our delivery is education and information sharing. We're always trying to help our customers to help themselves whenever self-sufficiency is practical.

We want to encourage everyone to embrace continued learning. We enjoy linking people through technology, facilitating collaboration and innovation, and making abundant data accessible to those who want to learn and grow from it.