Contact Us

Important Note: If you are a teacher, staff member, parent/guardian, student, or other person affiliated with a specific school or district that currently uses a FrontEdge software product such as SchoolFront or RecruitFront, please contact your school/district/supporting BOCES to gain access to school/district systems and software. 

FrontEdge Inc. is not authorized to grant anyone access to our customers' systems or to the proprietary information therein. If you contact FrontEdge Inc. requesting access to the system, requesting help accessing the system, or requesting information from the system we will direct you to the school/district office.

General Info Request / Questions

SchoolFront and RecruitFront users DO NOT USE THIS FORM TO REQUEST HELP/SUPPORT.
Instead, go here: Customer Support Contact Information.

To ensure that you receive the swiftest possible response to your inquiry, please use the online contact form below to contact us about general questions / information requests only.